Wednesday, December 29, 2010


What changes are you willing to make in the New Year?

 If you are looking for different results it may be time for a change.Change starts first with YOU, not your  customers, products, or the company. If you have not reached the goals you wanted in this year you need to look and see what areas YOU need to work on. When you point, one finger is directed at another, one is directed towards God and three are pointing back at YOU!

You can make a change, the new year is a great time to get started again. I want to grow my business and have more success in 2011. I'm not going to focus on others, I'm going to focus on what I can do to grow. I'm not going to wait for someone else. I'm not going to wait to see what the company is going to do ether. I'm started to make changes because it is MY BUSINESS.

It starts with ME and it starts with YOU.

 NOW is a GREAT time to make a CHANGE!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


STRUCTURE in your finances means you could be spontaneous. Spontaneity is based on Structure.

How STRUCTURED are you in your business? I had a customer call me because her order was delivered there was two items missing. It took me a few moments to put my hands on the order. I was so glad that I've been working on STRUCTURE in my office so I can find things.

I then had a party to do later that evening. I usually go over my items to make sure I have everything but this time since I had and event the day before I didn't check. I realized once I arrived that I did not have order forms? What am I going to do? I've been in direct sales long enough to know you've got to have order forms!!! I though to myself that I just have to tell the guests that I don't have my forms but I will write out the orders for them. I made a joke that I'm glad I work for myself so I can't fire myself when I make mistakes and everyone understood.  I didn't follow the STRUCTURE I had in place for my events. I gave myself more work and more worry by not making sure I had everything that I needed before I left home.

Are you missing out on sales because you don't have STRUCTURE in your business? Missing out on leads? I do the things I have to do now, so I can do the things I want to do later.

I visualize myself calling my husband to let him know we are going away for a spa weekend together. I've gotten a babysitter for the kids and we jump in the car when he gets home from work and we drive off to a romantic weekend. I can see my hair blowing in the warm breeze as we drive over the JFK bridge on our way upstate. I can smell the sweet warm air and feel the sun on my face.  

I need to keep STRUCTURE now so I can bring my vision into reality.

Is there something spontaneous you'd like to do?

Michelle Newton

Friday, December 17, 2010

Open for Business

Now is the holiday season, when everyone has visions of sugar plums dancing in their heads, or are waiting for Reindeer and elves to arrive. You still are working your business. I am STILL OPEN FOR BUSINESS. I am still meeting people and working on new customers for the New Year.

Many of us take time off for the holidays but, I believe that you can have time with your family and friends but you still can incorporate WORK into the fun. It is a great time to reconnect with friends who you have not spoken to in awhile. They want to catch up. People are all picking up the phones, instead of turning on the lap top and sending emails. Now is a great time to get on the phone catch up and share what you are doing.

Most people are in a better mood during the holidays. They are happy to take your call. This week I spoke to three old business partners. They all wanted to know how my new business was going. One went on my website and became a customer. One wants to do a party with me in the New Year. I am STILL OPEN FOR BUSINESS.

You'll find you're running into more people in your travels s o make sure you are prepared. Make sure you have samples or cards or even products with you.

There is time for fun but make sure you have a balance of business. 

Michelle Newton

Friday, December 10, 2010

Direct Seller Motivation: 2011 Strategic Planning Questionnaire

Direct Seller Motivation: 2011 Strategic Planning Questionnaire: "Now is the time to start planning for the new year. Here is a questionnaire to help you to get started.&n..."

2011 Strategic Planning Questionnaire

Now is the time to start planning for the new year. Here is a questionnaire to help you to get started. 
Michelle Newton

2011 Strategic Planning Questionnaire

  1. What is your Compelling Vision?
  2. How would you assess your year, 2010 in the business?
  3.  What would you like your monthly check size to be for 2011?
  4. What would you like your total team count to be Dec. 31, 2011?
  5. What would you like your total team volume to be Dec. 31, 2011?
  6. What are your plans to make these projections a reality?
  7. How many hours do you work your business per week?
  8. Do you have a schedule?
  9.  Are you ready to get started in this 1st 90 Day Cycle?
  10.  Do you have your own 100 Name’s List Completed?
  11.  Are you registered for the next company training  in your area?
  12.  Are you using the system to pique interest and move prospects through the process?
  13.  Do you have any parties or shows (Volume Producing Activity) scheduled for Jan – March?
  14. If up for renewal, have you renewed?
  15.  Are you ready to take action?
Your Top 5 Actions:

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Your Passion

The definition of PASSION:
Any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling, as love
strong amorous feeling or desire; love; ardor.
Do you have a passion for your Business? I am passionate about what I do. I love my company that I've chosen to partner with and I love the products and how they make me and others feel. I love the women I am in business with. I love the growth and development that I see in their business and themselves. I LOVE my direct sales business!!!
Do you feel the same way?
When someone asks you about your business do you have to stop yourself from going OVER BOARD and talking non-stop? I have a business partner who I always tease her about her calls. She will call someone to book a party and goes on and on about the products. You  don't want to overwhelm the person you are speaking to. But, she is so passionate about her business it is hard for her to stop herself.
Do you wake up in the morning thinking of ideas for your business? Do you look forward to trainings and meetings?
When you love what you do, you can't help it! You are excited and you can't keep it to yourself.
I believe everyone likes falling and stay in love. Make sure you are still in love with your business. I believe it is hard to have success if you are not. Who would want to buy from you or join a business if you didn't care either one way or another.
When you are passionate you have a commitment and commitments stand the test of time. You don't give up, you don't walk away. You give your business the attention it needs.
I hope you have many years of passion and success in your direct sales business.
Michelle Newton