Sunday, November 21, 2010

TO DO & Get It Done

Now that we are in the busiest time of the year for direct sellers you need to use your daily "TO-DO" list. It is so critical that you start and/or update your daily list. We have so many things going on personally and professionally that you don't want to miss out on any opportunities.

I recently was at a school event with my childrens' PTA and I asked several of the parents who I know do they have their Santa grab bag gift or teachers gift yet. I shared with them that I can help them with their gifts. I had a list of leads to follow up with. But, not writing it down at that moment was a mistake. That night when I got home I had to try to remember everyone who said yes there were interested in seeing my products.

Don't leave it up to the computer in your head. The best thing to do is write it on your list or put it in your IPhone, Blackberry or Android.

Once you have the tasks on your "TO-DO" list the goal is to now DO THEM! Check off each task completed. Reward yourself at the end of the week when you've completed at least 90% of your list. I say 90% because there will always be tasks that you need to carry over into the next week or two. Don't beat yourself up, celebrate all that you have done.

In business you've got to get it done so start now.
TO-DO or Not TO-DO, That is the question?  

Michelle Newton

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