Saturday, January 29, 2011

D.I.V.A.A. need only apply

I was so excited this month because I started making time for my own personal development. I set in my calendar 1 hour to listen to trainings, or tele-seminars. I am investing in myself and I really see and feel the difference. There is so much great information, tips, and techniques out there. There is no excuse for not dedicating time to build yourself up.

I had a team member who expressed to me that she believed that she was very strong in sales but she lacked what she needed in recruiting. I went into my files and pulled out an ebook from Caterina Rando, Recruiting With Ease  I started reading and listening to the CDs.  I started coaching with her using some of Caterina's systems. We completed only the first weeks training and by the next week, my team member had recruited two people. WOW!!

In the training she talks about finding the best possible people to join your team. She uses the acronym of  D.I.V.A.A. for the type you want to look for. Decisive, influential, visionary, Action-oriented, and Attitude (of course positive). That really got me excited because that means that I'm going to be intentional about the type of consultant I recruit. Not just that they are human, over 18 and have a pulse.

I'm looking for business builders like myself. I am a DIVAA and I'm looking for other DIVAAs who want to join me.   I am so excited! Every day I look forward to my hour of training. It's like going back to school. I can't wait to get to my personal development class. I just happens to be in my living room. You don't get any better than that.


Michelle Gill Newton

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