Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Direct Seller Motivation: Reconnect

Direct Seller Motivation: Reconnect: "There are times in your business that you need to reconnect with why you are working your business. What is the real motivation to make thos..."


There are times in your business that you need to reconnect with why you are working your business. What is the real motivation to make those calls, go to those shows, and recruit new team members. I know I am not alone when I say that even my business career I have found myself at moments when the business has become a habit. I'm going through the motions, doing what I know I must do to grow the business but I have a disconnect with my "Why".

 If you have ever found yourself where you are not passionate about what you are doing, or you don't feel the joy for the products or company, then you need to take some time and reconnect with what made you fall in love with the business or products. I think of it as re-recruiting yourself. Go back on the recruiting calls, attend the webinars as your own guest. Go through the New consultant training again. Fall back in love with your business.

Many people have just come home from their company's convention. They are very excited about the fall and holiday lines. Now is the time to re-recruit yourself. Now is the time to get your Why back into focus. If you didn't attend your company's convention then you really need to re-recruit yourself. You need to really look at your business and your Why and gain a new passion for your business.

It's a great time to get yourself rejuvenated and excited again. People around you will want to know what you are so excited about. When you talk to people it's not about you have brand new items or you are ready for the holidays. It's about you are passionate about your company and you know that you have something wonderful that you want to share with them.

Reconnect and you will get amazing RESULTS!

Michelle Gill Newton
Author- Direct Sellers Secrets To Staying Inspired- Your SSI


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Direct Seller Motivation: The Loss a Love

Direct Seller Motivation: The Loss a Love: "The closing of my Sensaria business can be like loosing a love. We've all falling in love and either our lover has left us or we h..."

The Loss a Love

The closing of my Sensaria business can be like loosing a love. 

We've all fallen in love and either our lover has left us or we have left him/or her. 
You miss the times you had together. When you get up in the morning you miss their presences. You can't remember what you did before you were in that relationship.
You find yourself at times getting angry that things didn't turn out the way you wanted them. You get sad that they did not live up to your expectations. But then you think of the good times, and you start to miss them all over again.  

I try to explain to people who have never gone through this but they can not understand. You want your love to come back. You hope this is all a bad dream but, you know they are not going to come back to you. I realized this is the stages of grief. Most people relate a person's death but I'm relating it to a business death. 

There is the grief model called "The 7 Stages of Grief" from

7 Stages of Grief...

  2. PAIN & GUILT-
Grant yourself permission to feel however way you feel. Work through this process to get to the acceptance and the hope stage. The most important thing is Don't Give Up on your business dreams and give yourself time to move on. 

You will find another love!
Michelle Gill Newon

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Direct Seller Motivation: The Test

Direct Seller Motivation: The Test: "I had no idea that I'd be standing in the same place I was two and a half years ago. My direct sales company has closed and I'm faced with t..."

The Test

I had no idea that I'd be standing in the same place I was two and a half years ago. My direct sales company has closed and I'm faced with the decision on what I will do to earn an income. I find myself here again with a host of knowledge and resources but without a direct sales business. I've rebuilt my business and rebuilt a team and now it's gone again.

The pain is different this time. The pain for me was my business partner who was working her business in order to keep her son in private school. It was the woman who is a single Mom who was working her business to make ends meet. It's the woman who has a crazy work schedule who wanted to fire her boss because she had no personal time. The woman who just quit her teaching job because of how successful her business has been this past year. I know you have to have pain in life but I know my role is to stay motivated and inspire others because they need me.

From the pain I can gain peace. I was in the process of reading Peace from Broken Pieces by Iyanla Vanzant. It is amazing how you can have tests in your life in order to have a testimony. I am looking forward to looking back on this time to help inspire, encourage and support more women in the future.

Stay true to yourselves. Give yourself permission to decide what your next move will be. The most important thing is to remember to keep on reaching for your dreams. Go forward with our dreams and goals. We might have to take a detour but we will get to our final destination.

When I look back on this experience I know I've gained much more than I loss. I have met some amazing women and I got to work each day with them. They have touched my life in countless ways. To me this is  priceless.

I'm working to stay motivated so I can pass THE TEST.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Endorsements Are a Must!

It's been a very exciting time for me in my business. I have several people that I've connected with who have given me wonderful product and business reviews. It is very powerful to have someone else write a review about you and your business.

Are you going out and making connections with your customers? Are you asking for their product review or testimonials? 

I believe in direct sales we are always looking to provide excellent customer service. When someone acknowledges your work or your customer care, it is truly exciting and profitable.

Why do you think companies pay millions for endorsements from celebrities. An endorsement from anyone is very valuable even if their last name is not Kardashian. The person who endorses you or your product has a whole circle of  friends and family. They value their opinion and when they recommend you it is like the old commercial,  When EF Hutton talks people listen. (LOL!)

In this world of social media, facebook, twitter, start to ask for testimonials and reviews. You will be surprise how a great review pays off in great sales, great new customers and great new business partners.

Michelle Gill Newton

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Dealing With "No"

Dealing With “NO”
By Sarah Scaffidi
It’s a one word answer. The word “NO.” Some people really have a tough time accepting the fact that they
are going to hear the word NO fairly often. They get discouraged and feel rejected because they look at the word
NO as a negative. Nothing could be further from the truth. The word no simply means that nothing changes. Think about it. You approach your neighbor and ask her to be a hostess, say says NO – what changed? Is she still your neighbor? Yes. Did you income go up or down? NO. Nothing changed. It can’t be negative; to be negative things would have had to get worse, and they didn’t. Everything remained exactly the same.
One the other hand, suppose she had said YES. Now, there are some positive changes. She received YOUR COMPANY’S INCENTIVES FOR FREE (a positive). You gain more customers, potential hostesses and consultants (more positives), and you earn more money (another positive). You can see by this example that there are no negatives in our business. There are only positives and times when nothing changes.
When someone tells you NO cross out one of the NO’s on the bottom sheet. Set yourself a Goal of getting
all 100 NO’s crossed out within the next few hours (no Kidding!). If you want to see your business explode with growth, take this exercise seriously. Here is a hint that will make this easier. Triple up. Ask someone to:
1. Become a consultant with YOUR COMPANY. If they say NO, cross out one NO and ask them to…
2. Become a hostess. If they say NO, cross out a second NO and ask them to…
3. Give a customer referral. If they say no again you have already got three NO’s! You will never be better at getting NO’s than you are right now.
The more you do this, the tougher it becomes to get those 100 NO’s. You will find that a YES will creep in
there every once in a while. Don’t let the occasional YES distract you from your primary goal of getting those
100 NO’s. Imagine the look on your neighbor’s face when she tells you NO and you respond, “Gee thanks, I’ve only got a few more NO’s to go and I am finished for the day. I was afraid you were going to say Yes there for a minute.” Don’t take this exercise lightly…it works! Get those NO’s now while it is still easy for you to do so.
Don’t wait until it becomes difficult for people to tell you NO! That time will come soon enough!