Wednesday, July 27, 2011


There are times in your business that you need to reconnect with why you are working your business. What is the real motivation to make those calls, go to those shows, and recruit new team members. I know I am not alone when I say that even my business career I have found myself at moments when the business has become a habit. I'm going through the motions, doing what I know I must do to grow the business but I have a disconnect with my "Why".

 If you have ever found yourself where you are not passionate about what you are doing, or you don't feel the joy for the products or company, then you need to take some time and reconnect with what made you fall in love with the business or products. I think of it as re-recruiting yourself. Go back on the recruiting calls, attend the webinars as your own guest. Go through the New consultant training again. Fall back in love with your business.

Many people have just come home from their company's convention. They are very excited about the fall and holiday lines. Now is the time to re-recruit yourself. Now is the time to get your Why back into focus. If you didn't attend your company's convention then you really need to re-recruit yourself. You need to really look at your business and your Why and gain a new passion for your business.

It's a great time to get yourself rejuvenated and excited again. People around you will want to know what you are so excited about. When you talk to people it's not about you have brand new items or you are ready for the holidays. It's about you are passionate about your company and you know that you have something wonderful that you want to share with them.

Reconnect and you will get amazing RESULTS!

Michelle Gill Newton
Author- Direct Sellers Secrets To Staying Inspired- Your SSI


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