Saturday, April 23, 2011

Investing in you

Last week I drove two hours to upstate New York to attend a training of Karen Phelps It was a training that a leader Kim DiLeo in Partylite conducted for her team. She ended up opening the event up to other direct sellers so we could attend this training too. I was so excited to be in that room.

I am a student for life. If you are in an industry or career you must learn from the bests. I always liked to learn. I can remember the most exciting part of school was when I got my new class schedule. I would ask the past students of that teacher how enjoyed the class. To this day I am the same. My church Christian Cultural Center in Brooklyn NY is a teaching ministry. You'll see the congregation with their notebooks and ipads out taking notes. I love to learn.

Seeing Karen live and learning from her experience was priceless. I am so happy I got the opportunity to invest in myself. I feel a new sense of clarity and drive. I left with practical tools that I implemented in my business immediately.  I know that it was worth the time, effort and financial stretch to get there and to be in the room with Karen.

When you get these opportunities to attend a tele-a-seminar, training, or your company's convention, you should take the opportunity. You should invest in you. We have a lot of reasons why not to do something but I challenge you to say yes. Make the commitment and go. Our lives are only lived once and this is not a dress rehearsal this is SHOW TIME. Get the information and support you need to make your business a success. Start to invest in yourself. You are worth it & your business is too.

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